Why Nuviva?

From your reason for getting started to the amount of weight you want to lose, beginning a health and weight loss journey is a highly personal process. But, so is our approach to helping you see long-term results.

At Nuviva, we don’t push a one-size-fits-all, pre-packaged program because we know what works for one person might not be the best fit for you. And while there are universal phases within our plan, each one is tailored to your goals, your metabolism, and your nutritional needs. Your weight loss plan is unique to you, made up of a custom combination of nutrition coaching, weight loss medications, supplements, exercise plans and one-on-one support. We pride ourselves on a strong multi-phased approach.

Weight Loss Nutrition

Personalized nutrition coaching with easy-to-follow meal plans and educational materials to help you stay on track with your weight loss goals.

Weight Loss Medications

Combined with diet and exercise, a customized weight loss medication plan can help you shed pounds and maintain long-term results.

Weight Loss Supplements

Support your weight loss progress with supplements designed to help with fat loss and long-term weight management.

Weight Loss Exercises

Burn fat and build muscle with exercises created to help you lose weight while setting you up for a healthy, active lifestyle.

Weight Loss Support Program

Weekly one-on-one support with your local Nuviva team to answer any questions you may have along the way and offer personalized support.

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Our goal at Nuviva is to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle while shedding pounds and promoting your overall wellness.

Weight Loss Medications

Weight Loss Medications

Support your wellness goals with medications prescribed by your medical weight loss doctor.

The Nuviva weight loss program is not a short-term, quick-fix tool for weight loss. We focus on a sustainable combination of diet and exercise to help you reach your goals. Along your journey, your doctor may prescribe weight loss medications to promote long-term results.

What are medical weight loss medications? First, let’s start with what they are not — weight loss medications are not an instant fix or "magic diet pill." They work in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular activity. From helping you beat cravings to getting you the vitamins and amino acids you need to stay active and energized as you lose weight, we want to set you up to see healthy, long-lasting results.

There are no shortcuts to weight loss. That’s why we never take shortcuts with the medications we give our patients. Every medication we provide is pharmaceutical-grade, guaranteed.

Weight Loss Medications

Weight loss medications at Nuviva


This FDA approved Glucagon-like peptide- 1 (GLP-1) is a powerful medication that can help reduce appetite and food intake, helping you eat less while feeling full by slowing gastric emptying. It has also been shown to lower blood sugar, improve Hemoglobin A1C and control cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Semaglutide is a powerful tool when wanting to follow a low-calorie diet.

LEARN MORE about Semaglutide


Approved by the FDA for both diabetes and weight loss. Tirzepatide is a combination of a Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). Tirzepatide can help to reduce blood sugar, lower Hemoglobin A1C, reduce appetite, slow down gastric emptying, and control cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Tirzepatide has been proven to deliver up to 22.5% weight loss in overweight and obese individuals in the SURMOUNT-1 clinical trial over a 72-week study.

LEARN MORE about Tirzepatide


We offer fat burning peptides and growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs). Fat burning peptide have been shown to help improve metabolism, increase lean muscle, and provide anti-aging benefits. GHRPs offer numerous benefits including decreasing body fat, improving sleep, increase your resting metabolic rate to additional anti-aging benefits.

B12/MIC (Methionine, Inositol, Choline) Injection

B12/MIC is an injection of vitamins and amino acids that is an important part of the Nuviva medical weight loss program. It ensures your bogy receives all the necessary nutrients and helps increase energy while burning fat.

LEARN MORE about B12

Wellness Shots

We offer a variety of add on wellness shots that help to improve your immune system, increase energy, and also provide anti-aging benefits.
• Glutathione
• NAD+
• Vit D3
• Tri-Immune



Phentermine (Fastin, Adipex) is a prescription-only, FDA approved medication that is approved for short term use as an appetite suppressant for the management of obesity. Phentermine has been available on the market since the 1950s. It works for weight loss by telling your brain that you are not hungry.