As the battle continues for the best weight loss medication, the latest to enter the fight is Tirzepitide. Tirzepitide a twincretin which means it’s a combination of two agonists, GLP-1 and GIP and it is gaining a lot of popularity amongst the weight loss community. Similar to Semaglutide, Tirzepitide is FDA approved for both diabetes and weight loss. What makes these two medications different is Semaglutide is a single agonist that works on one receptor site, GLP-1, while Tirzepitide is a dual agonist the works on both GLP-1 and GIP receptors. Tirzepitide brand named version include Mounjaro and Zepbound.
Studies have shown patients who use Tirzepitide have lost over 20% of their body weight due to it reducing appetite, slowing down the speed the stomach’s processing food, which makes its users feel full faster and longer, and its ability to reduce blood sugar levels. Tirzepitide is strong weapon at helping to reduce calories and cravings.
The GlP-1 and GIP combination that is Tirzepitide tends to have lower side effects than just the GLP-1 agonist, Semaglutide. Tirzepitide is given in a convenient once a week tiny injection into a fatty area that will help to keep those cravings and help to keep your appetite under control.
Tirzepitide has many other benefits that many users report while using it ranging from lower inflammation, improved lipid profile, improved liver enzymes, reduced kidney stress, and improved quality of sleep.
The weight loss journey is not an easy one… Eating less and staying on track just got much easier. Consider including Tirzepitide into your journey as an addon to your Nuviva program or as a stand-alone option. Speak to one of our Nuviva coaches to see if Tirzepitide is right for you.