Thank you, Nuviva, for giving me quality of life again.
Nuviva came into my life at a time when everything seemed to be changing. My son’s new marriage, the upcoming birth of my first grandchild, and the inevitable passage we all face as women are but a few examples. I have been fighting with my weight for the last ten years and dealt with weight fluctuation the entire time. Everything I tried just didn’t work, or at least that was how it felt. Losing weight for me was not just a matter of vanity but also of a health concern as well. My blood pressure was high and I was having trouble getting around with so much weight on my small frame. I always knew I could return to the skinnier me.
One night when I saw a good friend of mine whom I had not seen for a time and it finally became a tangible hope. My jaw dropped when she walked into the room in a skinny little black dress. Kim told me of the program she was following and gave me a Nuviva business card. She was and still is my inspiration. The most amazing thing about this program was the fact I never felt hungry, even eating the few calories allowed. I did not take any appetite suppressants for fear of my blood pressure elevating. Thank you, Nuviva, for giving me back the quality of life I never thought to regain.
Dianna E.