Weight Loss Success Stories

Weight Loss Success Story

Weight Loss Paul Before and After *Actual Nuviva Client

Get Off The Statins

I wanted someone to help me navigate how to gain and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have been through other nutritional counseling before. I found the Nuviva program to be much more realistic.

I travel a lot, both domestically and internationally. I found that the food choices I was guided towards were easier for me to maintain while I am on the road, living out of hotels and traveling.

One of the other reasons I was interested in Nuviva was that I noticed not only do they work wth people that are trying to lose weight or have weight related medical issues, but they also work with people who are physically active. I do a lot of long distance running and participate in several marathons a year. Maintaining the right level of nutrition during the training and the marathons is key. Nuviva helped me increase my performance through their nutritional guidance.

One of the benefits I wasn’t expecting was that through proper nutrition I was able to get off the statins I was taking for cholesterol, at my doctor’s recommendation. He’s quite pleased with my blood work and quite excited to keep me on the program.



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